Monday, March 18, 2013

Why I love Pslam

Hi friends! happy Monday! I can't even remember what day of the week it is anymore..oh yeah it's finals week. boo.
Psalm. It's a book in the Bible. Some call it mediocre, but I call it AMAZING!!!!!!
Why? Because it's all about REAL emotions. Christian who are talking to a very REAL God about how they REALLY feel.
It's not just: "Dear God, thank you for a good day today. Thank you for a roof over my head and a bed to sleep in."
Instead its: "Dear Lord. Help me. I'm so much in need of you. Guard my mouth and my actions so that everything I do pleases you. Give me some direction in my life. What the heck am I going to do next year?!"
I love Psalm because it reflects my relationship with Lord, as with many other Christians on this planet. It is truth, it demonstrates how a relationship with God should be. It should be us pouring out our hearts to Him on a regular basis. Desperately asking Him for some help and some direction. Because He is all we have to depend on.

"O my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge."

Psalm 62:8 

You see, that is what is so wonderful about your relationship with God, it's real. It takes work. It can be emotional. It can be crazy. It can be an adventure. But most of the time, it's a huge blessing with a whole lot of joy.
When give God our whole hearts, He rewards us with his presence. It's the greatest thing. When we are honest with God, He gives us His faithfulness. When we are REAL we God, we are changed. He transforms us. We are a new person.

"This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!" 
2 Corinthians 5:7

So don't waste time. God is calling you to a very real relationship with Him, right now! Psalm is my favorite book right now, (hence right now, because Lord knows in a couple months I'll be onto another book in the Bible ;) because it reassures the fact to me that my relationship with God isn't a sentence long prayer before dinner, He is my other half. My relationship with Him means everything to me.
I want you all to know the same as well! Don't let the enemy tell you any different. Don't believe him when He says: "That will never be you. You just aren't Christian enough."
....Please! Anyone who thinks Christianity is a reflection of a bunch of perfect people living in a perfect world your wrong! We still struggle, but God makes us strong. Even though we can never be 100% perfect, we are called to represent God in everything we do, meaning that we must act responsibly. To some people, that may come off as perfection, but it's not. It's just the blessing of living for Him and knowing Him intimately.

Love you guys!

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