Sunday, May 12, 2013


How was your weekend?!
I hope it was wonderful. I'm looking forward to reading your posts this week.
This weekend was a learning experience for sure. I presented my paper at my University's first communication conference, and I am so happy I did it. I was SO nervous, and honestly was making up any excuse I could to get out of going to it.

Here is a pic of one of my best friends Julia and I, who also spoke at the conference and presented her paper!
 My momma and I on mothers day! Love her.

I woke up on Friday morning and prayed to God would give me some kind of sign about the conference to comfort me and give me hope that He was there with me. My nerves were getting the best of me and my mind was all over the place.

Well, he sure answered that prayer right away! I opened up my “Jesus calling” devotional that morning, and the first sentence of it literally read:

"Do not resist or run from the difficulties of your life."

Then the second sentence read:
"These problems are not random mistakes, they are hand tailored blessings designed for your benefit and growth."

That was JUST what I needed to hear. I was so thankful God provided those words for me that day in my devotional. He knew that I needed to read that.

You see, running away was exactly what I had been doing. I was letting my fear of giving my speech keep me from having the confidence to believe that I could actually do it. God is teaching me that even though my life a lot of the time gets pretty crazy, no matter what He is there with me.

“Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you."
Deuteronomy 31:8

this week, I am going to focus on being more COURAGEOUS. I am going to choose bravery over fear. I am so over letting fear get in the way of how I live my life. It is such a waste of time, and God never intended me to live that way.

Love yall! Hope you have a wonderful rest of your evening


  1. Replies
    1. Aw thanks for your lovely comment Lauren! Always nice to read. :). I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

  2. I love the Jesus Calling devotional! I need to find mine, I lost it in the move. That should be my goal for tonight after I get off work.

    This is a wonderful post, Jessica! Fear is my nemesis so much more than even I realize. Thank you for this reminder - it's so impacting being reminded through another's real-life experience!

    How did your presentation go?

    1. Jesus Calling is Uhhh-mazing isn't it?! I also have Jesus today which is her newer one and it is awesome! I pray that you do find your Jesus Calling devotional! It is seriously a wonderful start to my mornings, and I love it when it is "spot on" to what I needed to hear from the Lord specifically. I am glad you liked this post, thank you Kellie! I totally agree- I am so encouraged when I read about other Christians going through the same trials as me! My presentation went GREAT! As nervous as I was, my friends said I didn't seem nervous at all, which was shocking to hear. I was SO happy about that. Woohoo!

  3. I just found your blog and couldn't stop reading through posts. It sounds like we are in pretty similar seasons of life and iced coffee ranks pretty high among my favourite things too! Looking forward to reading more of your posts!

