Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Confession...I love shopping. And Old Navy jean jackets.

Hi lovelies!

How is everyone days going? Just so everyone knows, I LOVE shopping. Yesterday I went to one of my favorite stores ever, OLD NAVY. They are having such an amazing sale right now (When are they not?!) I scored this super cute, versatile, and all around lovely jean jacket for just under $20 dollars (normally close to $50!)

I'm so obsessed! I never fail to find something that I LOVE whenever I shop at Old Navy. My favorite part is that their clothing is not only cute, but it is super affordable! I'm so happy that I have a credit card with them too. Since I am a credit card member with Old Navy, I receive coupons from them in the mail. It is so fun! P.S., this post makes it totally sound like Old Navy sponsored me to write for them, but they totally didn't, I promise! I just love their store, and I love shopping there. Aside from Old Navy, I also love love love love LOVE Nordstrom. Don't even get me started with my love for Nordy's. hehe.

What are your guy's favorite places to shop at?
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  1. Denim jackets are the best--I own two, dark wash and light wash, because you never know when you'll need one or the other! :)

    1. I completely agree! I own two as well (as of now haha) I love them! Thanks for the comment Rachel!!! :)

  2. Replies
    1. I completely agree! Have you checked out their sale going on right now? It is amazing!!!

  3. i used to be a little anti-old navy but recently have fallen back in love with it. you wear that jacket well!
