Hi blog friends!
How are you doing?
It's nice to be back in the swing of things after a very relaxing spring break. I'm filling out applications right now to different public relations companies that I would want to intern with for the summer, so if you could be praying for me about that, that would be awesome. We serve a BIG God, and regardless of what path He chooses to lead us on, I refuse to believe the lie that He wants the each of us to settle in any way. I trust and believe that God wants to bless me beyond my wildest expectations. I believe that God wants to do this in every area of my life: through my relationships with other people, my career path, my activities, just in every area of my life. Sure things may not always go as we plan, and some of the time I may be waiting on the Lord with empty hands, but I still believe that HE IS GOOD and that He has an AMAZING plan. Whatever is going in your life, praise Him, because He is always good.
"The Lord gave me what I had, and the Lord has taken it away, Praise the name of the LORD!"
Job 1:21
My friends, please don't settle, as tempting as it can be sometimes. Just because your lonely and want a boyfriend, don't feed those empty emotions and stalk your ex-boyfriend on social media. Don't follow your heart, that never works. Heck, if I followed my own heart, I'd be a wreck. My own heart is all over the place. However, when I follow God's heart, it may be difficult at times, but He knows what is best for me despite what my emotions are telling me. Whatever it was that the Lord may have taken out of your life, God took it away for a reason. In waiting for your future husband, let yourself be pursued by the man of your dreams: a man who loves Jesus more than he could ever love you. A man who chooses to open his Bible and spend time with the Lord every day. A man who PURSUES you. You should never have to be fighting for a guy back. Thats a huge red flag. I just really felt compelled to tell the each of you that today.
What are in your life are you tempted to settle in? How do you use God's word to fight against that temptation? And please, if you have any prayer requests, let me know, I'd love to be praying for you!
I love you all!
Love, Jess
I like this post and I love your blog! Followed you here and on Bloglovin as well. I hope you'd check my blog too and follow-back. :)